OHS's Class 59 Aug 2020 Monthly Update |
GREETINGS TO ALL OF THE CLASS OF 1959 This is the first attempt to get in touch with our 1959 OHS CLASSMATES WHO ARE SCATTERED ALL OVER OUR GREAT NATION We will start out with some wonderful photography by Joy Cassill Banyas who is a really been busy taking photo’s of hummingbirds for our first Newsletter. Joy and Tom have recently downsized into a smaller home in Wisconsin - keep sending us all that wonderful photography. Photos provided by Joy Banyas
——————- We have received several requests for help connecting classmates with old friend classmates who seem to have lost touch with one another - if you have lost touch with an old friend and need some help being reunited, please call Bonnie through our OHS1959 website and we will do everything we can possibly do to reconnect you and your list friend. —————— Or if you want people to know of a recent move in your location or a change of phone number or e-mail address, please let us know and will do everything we can to help other classmates find their elusive friends. ————— ABOUT THE CLASS OF 1959 Norma Dukes Phillips is still living in her home just outside of Ottumwa and loves quilting. Sherrill Gibson Helm is still in her home in Oskaloosa and is also a quilter. Jerry & Sharon Staton are back in Oskaloosa after spending the winter in Texas. Jerry is now working on his third book which fills in any extra time he has when not spending time with their grandchildren. Judy Pumroy Knisely is still living outside of Kansas City and is enjoying her retirement. Judy would love to hear from some of our classmates. Joe & Helen (Spurgeon) Traul are keeping busy in Ottumwa selling real estate and raising children. Both are busy in the community and their grandchildren’s activities. Bill & Mary Schertz are living in Indianola. Bill is busy working in his woodworking shop and fishing. Mel & Bonnie (Paris) Anderson celebrated 61 years of marriage on June 2nd. Mel has finally retired but is still licensed as a Mortician. He celebrated his 80th birthday at the end of August. They love living in Ottumwa. They have two grandchildren – ages 10 & 12. Louis (Fuqua) Kitterman is recovering from a fall in a local nursing home. She is hoping to return home soon. Dick Christy is home after rehab in a local rehab center. He is doing much better. He told us that his sister-in-law -Linda Williams Christy- is in a nursing home in Ankeny. Karen McFarland Ullrick downsized her home is quite happy in her new home on Greenwood in Ottumwa. Jerry Hamm and his wife purchased Karen’s former home on Finley and are getting settled into it. Gary & Theda Stookesberry are farming/ranching south of Ottumwa. Juanity Rooker Norman lost the love of her life a year or so ago during a surgical procedure. She is still residing in Oregon. Praying for you, Juanita. We all send our love! Emmett Overturf & his wife have downsized and are happy living in Batavia. Tom/LeRoy Gegenheimer purchased a condo in CO. He’ll keep us posted as to where they’re living. Bob Phipps’s granddaughter is a championship swimmer. Hopefully he’ll send pictures to share! Pat Aeschleman Mason & husband, Ron have become official snowbirds – going to FL for 4 months in the winter. Anita Pohlson LaMonte prays for our class on a daily basis. God Bless You, Sweet Friend! Dallas & Rita Barnett recently lost his sister, Ardys Barnett Reagan. God’s blessings to all who knew and loved her. Patty Goudy Clawson made it through Hurricane Laura and her area of AL. She has downsized into a more convenient home in a senior citizen area. She would love to hear from Patty Bruns Danczek who was living in TX. Jim Butler’s widow – Judy Craft Butler is now living in Granbury, TX. She recently made a trip to Charleston to visit a new great grandchild. Larry Lucas resides in Vancouver, Washington. He & Bonnie recently took a trip down memory land and chatted about a big Mulberry tree which grew on Karen McFarland’s grandmother’s front yard. Those mulberries were so sweet to all of the neighborhood kids. Larry said that he had recently talked to another classmate, Ron Newell and his wife, Judy. Peggy Hull Bates and her husband, Dick are still residing in the Drakesville area. Jerry McCall lives on Green Street in Ottumwa and is still active in Motorcycle Ministry. Lloyd & Kathy Patrick have retired and are living in Dakota Dunes, SD. Lloyd also sent a thought provoking message entitled “Life is Like a Journey on a Train”. If you google it, you will enjoy reading it! We have recently lost 3 classmates:
Tony Butler George Ware And our sweet Anita Pohlson LaMonte prays for our class on a daily basis - God Bless you, sweet friend!!! —————- PLEASE READ THIS AND OFFER ANY SUGGESTIONS TO: Bonnie A or Bill S